Werk #10223: HW/SW Inventory: Do not save inventory tree if Checkmk service calculates status data inventory

Component HW/SW inventory
Title HW/SW Inventory: Do not save inventory tree if Checkmk service calculates status data inventory
Date Oct 14, 2019
Checkmk Edition Checkmk Raw (CRE)
Checkmk Version 1.5.0p23 1.6.0p5 2.0.0i1
Level Trivial Change
Class Bug Fix
Compatibility Compatible - no manual interaction needed

The {{Checkmk HW/SW Inventory}} service builds up the inventory tree and if {{Do status data inventory}} is configured in the ruleset {{Do hardware/software inventory}} the {{Checkmk}} service builds up the status data tree. Latter one also saved the inventory tree as the {{Checkmk HW/SW Inventory}} service does. This may result in flapping inventory history entries.

Now the inventory tree is only saved by the {{Checkmk HW/SW Inventory}} service and the status data tree is only saved by the {{Checkmk}} service if {{Do status data inventory}} is configured.

Both the commandline {{cmk -vii HOST}} and the {{Checkmk HW/SW Inventory}} service also run inventory hooks.

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