Check manual page of jolokia_jvm_garbagecollectors

Java Virtual Machine: Garbage Collection

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
License GPLv2
Supported Agents Linux Windows
This check monitors the count and assumed time of the garbage collection. It helps to recognize any deviation from the regular behaviour of the garbage collection. Such deviations could be more garbage collection runs per second or an increase in the time that is spent collecting garbage.

Since every system has a different behaviour there are no default values set to avoid false alarms.

To use this plugin, Jolokia and the agent plug-in need to be installed on the monitored server (ore the special agent must be configured).

Both, version 1.7 and 2.0 of Jolokia are supported.


The name of the application server instance and name of the garbage collection as sent by the agent seperated by the the statement {{GC}}.


One service is created for each garbage collector sent by the Jolokia agent.