Check manual page of fsc_ipmi_mem_status

Fujitsu Workstations: Memory

Distribution Official part of Checkmk
License GPLv2
Supported Agents Linux
This check reads the memory module status information from IPMI on FSC TX-120 systems (and maybe others).

This check uses the information of the utility ipmi-sensors from the utility package freeipmi. You need your host kernel to support IPMI and have ipmi-sensors in your executable path for the agent to send that data.

Addinionally you need to extend your agent on the monitored system using a check_mk_agent_plugin named This agent plug-in can be found in the doc directory of check_mk.

To enable this plug-in simply copy it to the plugins directory of check_mk_agent on your target machines. By default the directory is located here: /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins

This plug-in has been developed on FSC TX 120 but may also work on other FSC hardware platforms. Please tell us when you find some other software where this plug-in outputs valid information

The plug-in has been tested with freeipmi 0.5.1 and 0.8.4. Other versions may work too but have not been used during implementation.


This is the sensor name as reported by {ipmi-sensors} command e.g. {DIMM-1A}


One service is created for each memory module which has an attached module.